Binary Options Trading

Recently, we often read on the Internet about the success of Trevor Noah, which highlights the many Internet resources. We became interested in the cause of such a large number of articles about Trevor Noah, provided that many companies write just about success in trading binary options Trevor Noah which reached it on their binary options broker.

Yes, the Trevor Noah became a millionaire by trading binary options. It’s true.

That’s what write about success binary options trading of Trevor Noah various Internet web sites:

  • Social media has recently been buzzing with news that Trevor Noah has been earning millions with a new “secret binary options system” from the United States. A source close to Noah revealed the news by mistake, which has since been shared on facebook and reported on national television and press. We wanted to find out the truth about these “secret money systems” that he has been using to see if they really worked.
  • It has been revealed that millionaire Trevor Noah has been trading with a system called “Binary options trading” which initially became famous in the United States where many people made thousands or even millions of dollars with little effort using a unique trick to always beat the trading market. Earlier this year the US TV documentary show “60 Minutes” did a special report interviewing people who earned money from the system.They explained that the reason it was secret for so long is that anyone can use it. Authorities in the US have been trying to stop Americans from using the binary options system, fearing that this new technology could create so much wealth it could cause disruption to the financial power houses that try to uphold the “status quo”. One insider, who would not be named in the documentary elaborated, “this system can make working class Americans wealthy overnight. This makes the political elite nervous as they want to maintain control”. However, outside the US, there are no restrictions over this bibary options trading technique and since January 2016 it has been estimated thousands of new millionaires have already been created worldwide.
  • A real source from a leading consultancy stated “Binary trading is now creating many more weekly millionaires than the lottery in all world. In fact, we are seeing 90% of new Binary options trading clients seeking wealth advice now earn their main income from Binary options trading. What is astounding is that many of these people were working in regular jobs, office jobs, like construction, and even unemployed and now they are earning more than top stockbrokers in London, New York or Tokyo.”
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Real story of binary options success trading

Well, we found a lot of similar items, and each company describes Trevor Noah success was made millions by trading it on their binary options broker. We were able to find out the real story, which is not copied by many companies, changing only the name of Binary options broker or binary trading system. We write different news on the binary options market for many years, and we are embarrassed that someone could make millions by investing only $ 250. We found this article and conducted a little investigation, we share with you is the Binary options system that allows you to earn millions. So, lets start and this is the real story:

My 7 Day Test with Binary Options Trading

Day One

On day one, I signed up with the simple registration form. It was a site dedicated to binary options trading robot. They guaranteed 87% return on trade. I lodged some trading funds using my debit card. I was aware that this was 100% refundable if I decided not to continue, so I was happy with this.I filled up the account in the Trade Market binary robot system through one of their partner. On the first day, I looked at the site and I could see that my balance was $1000. I sent my documents to activate my trading account and investigated binary trading system. I noticed that the system makes a lot of success rates that I can see in real time. But many trades were within my investment amount. I do not earn a lot working in the office, so I did not risk much, and supplied the stop loss limit of $ 250.

Day Two

I woke up and rushed to office work. I had slept in and was going to be late for my train. When I got to the office, I decided checked my Trade-Market account and drank my coffee. I opened the dashboard of the Trade Market binary robot web site. I thought at first I had made a mistake. Was this my Trade-Market account? I double checked the account name in the corner, yes it was mine. At that point, I almost spilled my coffee! I could see that my new balance at that time was $4.650. Incredible! In only 12 hours, while I was sleeping, the account made $3.650 profit from the $100 that I had funded. I’m glad I remembered to make a screenshot of it, so you can see below what I saw that morning. I wrote to my account manager at Trade-market by Skype. Amazingly, she was not as surprised as I was. “This is normal” she said, “in fact, we often see people earning more than that in the first 12 hours”. I was impressed, this thing was really working. For the rest of the day, I could hardly concentrate on my job. In 12 hours I made my monthly salary.

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I was wondering how to earn more, since my Trade Market manager told me that many receive much more income from binary trading. I began to study the results of the tenders and detected for themselves that a part of trading with a very high sums were above my stop loss limit and did not trade for me.

My manager explained to me that these trades were not applied to me, as they were above my binary options trading stop loss level. I raised the level of the stop loss to $ 500, and with a sinking heart waited for a new day.

Day Three

On day three of my trading, I was really getting into it. I could see that this wasn’t some sort of complicated system for fund managers and stockbrokers. This was easy and not only that, it was very clear how I was earning so much money. During my apprentice years, I wrote an article about day trading in London and New York. I recall that a senior trader at a firm told me that in any single day, there are “thousands of billions” of dollars traded on currency, oil, gold and shares. This is not “millions”, not even “billions” but in fact “millions of billions!”. This was hard to even understand, but it is clear that every single trading minute, a trader can earn thousands of profit without any effort. Somehow, binary trading opens up these possibilities to all of us. It may be the most powerful money making tool ever created. My balance has continued to grow and I do not believe it, I consulted as every hour with your account manager if all I’m good. And receives a response from the Trade market that you all are well, do not worry, all the customers at first worried. but this also take place when you get your binary options trading profits into your bank account.

Day Four

On the fourth day, I checked my binary options trading account and contacted the Trade-market binary options robot manager. In my Trade Market trading account it was already $34 150. In my mind I began to spend the money. In just 4 remarkable days, I had earned enough to travel the world with my girlfriend, first class! She didn’t even know about my success yet. I booked a table at a 5 star hotel for the weekend to tell her about this amazing story. I decided I would pay off her student debt so that she could continue to pursue her dream as a fashion buyer. This money was going to change our lives. My TM manager said I could make a lot more profit from Binary options trading if I take part in the auction, as if the market is on the rise, I can increase the stop loss limit, and drop it when the market is not stable. This will allow me to increase profits and reduce losses.

READ:  Analyzing Binary Options

Day Five

I started to watch the market. It was very simple. I changed my stop loss limit on 2-3 times a day. And I have not had a single lost. 100% winning trades on the day! It’s just incredible. My balance had now exceeded $100.000. I felt intense joy but also just a little anxiety, if you can believe it! This was so much money in MY Trade Market trading account, how was I going to deal with it? Next month would be my mother’s birthday and I decided to get her a great gift that she would treasure. I also did something that felt good. I walked into the Mercedez Benz showroom and took a new car for a test drive. The price tag was $55.000. It still felt expensive, I didn’t want to spend it on that…just yet. But it felt great to know that I could and I decided that if things kept going like this, I would return and buy it, without any loan.

Day Six

It was an incredible day. The Binary options trading market was closed, trading was not, but I felt like a different person. I felt like Gordon Gecko in the movie Roulette Online and it was so much fun. I decided that I didn’t want to spend every day working for minimum wage when I could earn so much working from home (if you could call it working!). I quit my job and gave a huge gift basket for all my friends in the office. Some people thought maybe I had won the lottery. I didn’t tell them about my secret. I wanted to wait and reveal it first to my girlfriend.


I traded 4 months, as it was a condition of my contract with Trane-marker binary robot system. For 4 months, I began to understand how the market works, I was prepared to receive 100% winning trades per day more often. And soon, my score at TM account more than $ 1 075 235. I asked for transfer to your bank account, leaving only $ 75,000 on his trading account to continue trading. I got money in 3 days, and now I can tell my girlfriend my success trading.