3 Things to Consider When Looking for a Guide to Article Marketing

When you are thinking about getting started with online marketing you need to find a good guide to article marketing to help you get going. These are usually free and will help you by giving you a step by step plan to get your website or blog up and running. Plus this type of guide will also show you how to gain traffic from writing and submitting articles.

Marketing with articles is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to get into internet marketing. If you can find a free guide to article marketing you will be able to get started right away. Typically there is a free option and a paid option that will have you paying for a hosting account and a domain name to get started with.

The 3 Top Things to Consider When Choosing a Guide to Article Marketing

1. The Source

You always want to look at the source of the guide to article marketing. If it is coming from someone that has a very good looking and professional site, then you are going to get a better guide than if it is coming from a sited that does not have it’s own domain and is on a free blogging site.

2. The Information

When you find a website that offers a free guide to article marketing you need to see if they have tips for article marketing or if they have helpful information on the site for you to use. If the information on the actual site or blog is good, then chances are you will get a good guide to marketing with articles for free from this site.

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3. Whether the guide is really free or not

Sometimes marketers will say that a guide is going to be free, but they will only give you a chapter or a little bit of information that will not really help you. Then, they will expect you to purchase the real guide from them for a fee that can be as much as $100 or more. This is not what you want because it is not necessary.

Getting a Good Free Guide to Marketing with Articles

It is not hard to find a good guide to article marketing and there are many of them out there. You do not need to be thinking that you are not going to get a good guide if it is free. Many will put out a free guide for marketing with articles and all you have to do in order to get the guide is subscribe to the emailing list for the author.

You will want to make sure you go with the option in any of the guides that teaches you how to get your own domain name and also a hosting account. This is not very expensive and it will make a huge difference in the amount of money you make from writing articles. This is the only way to go when you are using a free guide to article marketing.